{Natalie & Kevin} A Sassy and Classy Highlights Film from Winston- Salem, NC

Winston- Salem, NC
Filmed by Matt. Edited by Kara
Runtime: 4:21

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Natalie and Kevin are the perfect blend of romance and humor. This couple is not just absolutely hilarious but also well spoken and put together. We love filming couples that can present themselves well but still know how to have a good time. Thanks you two for being so effortless.

 Things we LOVED about this wedding (in no particular order):

1. The purple lighting during the reception- really brings out the beauty
2. The Groomsmen wearing matching argyle socks
3. Natalie’s pink Converse shoes
4. Everybody’s goofy dance moves (guest and wedding party alike)
5. Natalie & Kevin’s personal, emotional vows.

From the Bride and Groom:

Q. What is your favorite activity to do together?
A. Hiking, dining, taking our two sweet dogs (Halley & Maple) to the dog park, going to the movies and of course going to see live music.

Q. The Proposal: How did it happen?
A. Kevin & I had planning a trip to San Francisco for a couple of months. Of course in my mind I think he sole purpose is to see the one and only Widespread Panic. Unbeknownst to me Kevin had a little surprise up his sleeve.

Natalie is correct; I did have something up my sleeve. However, it was in my pocket. Once we arrived in San Francisco, we checked into our hotel and rushed to the Golden Gate Park. It was a perfect Friday afternoon in the Bay and I was nervous as a freshman entering high school. Was I nervous about “popping the questions?” No, I was a wreak, and was filled with fear that I was going to lose the one piece of hard wear that was to link our lives forever.

Once we entered into Golden Gate Park Kevin told me that he wanted to take me into the Japanese Tea Garden. Walking through the garden was amazing but Kevin was not really saying anything at this point. I kept trying to carry on a conversation with him but he was busy glancing in every direction. My initial thought was that he was ready to head back to our hotel. Ahead of us was a bench facing a koi pond, I suggested we go sit down and enjoy our surroundings.

The Japanese Tea Garden is a must for any tourist visiting San Francisco. Thus, on this July Summer day it was filled with numerous visitors. I didn’t want anyone to take this moment from me. So, I waited patiently and quietly for the right moment. Luckily, Natalie picked a perfect bench deep in the garden and wanted to take a moment for us to enjoy the our beauty that surrounded us. With my heart filled with excitement, I knew this would be the perfect moment to ask Natalie to spend the rest of her life with me. I got down on one knee, took a deep breath, and the rest is history.

While enjoying our surroundings on this bench that would forever be ours, Kevin took my hand and said about three times, I love you. Of course I responded back with a “Well, I love you too.” At this moment Kevin moves off the bench and down on one knee. As my mind is racing Kevin says “Natalie, It’s funny how at this point in our lives sea re in this beautiful tea garden and our very first date was a cup of tea. Will you spend the rest of your life growing old with me?” I guess I was in shock because it took me about 45 seconds to get words to come out of my mouth. My answer of course to this question I would never forget was “Yes, of course!” As Kevin pulls the ring from his picket he said, “This ring is old and may have its flaws just as we will but it’s beautiful just like our relationship.” This moment that Kevin picked could not have been more perfect. I will forever remember the words and expression on his face as he looked into my eyes and asked me the most important question of our lives.

Q. What are you looking forward to most on your Wedding day?
A. Natalie: I am very excited about walking down the aisle and seeing Kevin for the first time.
Kevin: I am most excited about reading my vows and exchanging of the rings.

Q. List any UNIQUE activities planned for the reception that your excited for??
A. A. Kevin and I will be doing a surprise first dance. (Find the full version here)

Q. Is there anything else that is extra special to you about this day?
A. The weeping willow (which is what we will be under when we get married), Our favors (which is Natalie’s uncle’s honey), Bridal path (Natalie’s mom created a bridal path for her), Natalie’s engagement ring (Dates back to 1932)

Creativity By:

Venue-  Milton Rhodes Center for the Arts
Photographer-  Aesthetic Image Photography: Natalie Carter Hyde
Caterer- The Catering Company of Chapel Hill: J.W. Walton
Florist- Special Arrangements:Lyn Moser
DJ- Jason Barnes

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