Meet Kara
Editor + Studio Manager

Kara grew up in Charlotte, NC, and graduated (early) from UNC Wilmington with a film degree. Editing has been a passion of hers before she was even a teenager. Kara runs this place! As Studio Manager and Lead Editor, she is the wizard behind the curtain at Life Stage Films. She lives in historic downtown Wilmington with her husband, Shaun. See their courthouse wedding here.
“Every time I start editing a wedding I love getting to create a unique story with a great message that reflects the couple and their big day. Each couple is so different it is a fun challenge to make their film fit their style.
I enjoy working as a team to make not just the couples but their entire families smile when they receive the finished product. We get fabulous feedback from our happy clients and thats what makes my job so rewarding. Editing has been my passion for almost 10 years now and being able to do what I love in such a creative, uplifting, and inspiring environment is just a joy. I feel very fortunate to be a part of Life Stage Films and to get to work with such a great group of talented people.”
Fun facts about Kara:
1. What is your biggest pet peeve?
When people chew with their mouth open.
2. Who is your hero?
Thelma Shoonmaker. She has edited almost all of Scorsese’s films and she is one of the most influential & talented women in the film industry.
3. What would we find in your refrigerator right now?
Apples and carrots
4. If you were stranded on a deserted island, what 3 things would you want to have with you?
-An awesome camera.
-An iPhone with signal. (Calls and GPS)
-My fiance/best friend Shaun.
5. If Hollywood made a movie about your life, whom would you like to see play the lead role as you?
Scarlett Johannson because she has done a lot of good movies and could make my story less boring.
6. If you could be a superhero, what superpower would you have?
I would be a super genius that knew everything about everything, especially math and science. Also I would have the ability to find cheap airfare and hotel prices like William Shatner.
7. If you had only six months left to live, what would you do with the time?
Spend all my time with my loved ones and travel everywhere I have ever wanted to go. Also, I would eat a lot of cake.
8. If you won $20 million in the lottery, what would you do with the money?
Give a lot to my parents for all they have done for me, take a nice vacation, buy a third monitor, and save the rest.
9. What is your favorite thing about your job?
My favorite thing about my job is my job! I get to do what I love all the time while creating beautiful meaningful films for couples and their families.
10. Name 3 Things you LOVE
-Bollywood Films
11. Name 3 Things you HATE
-When people repeat stories they’ve told you twice before.