Meet Casey! Your Newest LSF Employee

Casey is our new Assistant Studio Manager and we could not be happier to have her on our team.

So far she has been a trooper during this first crazy month of wedding season and is helping us stay organized and get things done.  In the office part time, she devotes herself to making sure your experience with us is smooth. She stays on top of all the tiny details: calling your vendors before the wedding, creating custom DVD cases, proofing your final film, cleaning gear and packing the bags for the weddings, and a LOT more. Say hello to her and get to know her below.

What is your biggest Pet Peeve? Whining

Who is your hero? Helen Keller

What would we find in your refrigerator right now? Not much- I’m moving in a week!!!

If you were stranded on a deserted island, what 3 things would you want to have with you? 

a. Sunscreen (never ending supply)
b. My “Go Bag”/ Zombie survival kit (just in case)
c. a Labrador Retriver

If Hollywood made a movie about your life, whom would you like to see play the lead role as you? Emma Stone

If you could be a superhero what superpower would you have?  The ability to control heat (and I could use the heat waves to fly)

If you only had 6  months to live, what would you do with the time? Travel the world (Spain and New Zealand specifically )

If you won #20 million in the lottery, what would you do with the money?  1st Pay off my Loans, Then Devide whats left: Save half and Travel the World

What do you do for LSF? Serve as a contact for all vendors, clients, and shooters; and much much more!

What is your favorite thing about you job? Working with such happy people

Name 3 things you love. 

a Cooking  b Gardening  c Golf

Name 3 things you hate.

a Green Bell Peppers  b.  Being allergic to cats. C. Not Being Fluent in another language.


*After we got everything ready for our weddings this weekend, we enjoyed some photo booth bonding time*

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